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13th Age RPG

PEL13A13M 13th Age RPG: Fire And Faith Map Folio published by Pelgrane Press

13th Age RPG: Fire And Faith Map Folio

PEL13A13M: 13th Age RPG: Fire And Faith Map Folio is on Sale

Bring your battles to life! The Fire and Faith Map Folio brings you 36 maps from Fire and Faith � Battle Scenes for Four Icons, in glorious full color by expert cartographers!


Price: �7.99
       (RRP is �15.99)

CT4400H 13th Age RPG: Glorantha Sourcebook published by Chaosium

13th Age RPG: Glorantha Sourcebook

Create your group's unique Gloranthan campaign using 13th Age: the d20-rolling game of heroic fantasy, escalating combat, One Unique Things, and limb-ripping owlbears!


Price: �28.59
       (RRP is �45.99)