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Military Games

2!GMT1806 Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill's Greatest Gamble published by GMT Games

Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill's Greatest Gamble

GMT1806: Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill's Greatest Gamble is on Sale GMT1806: Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill's Greatest Gamble is Out of Stock

On 25th April 1915, Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, launched a hastily assembled force of British, Australian, New Zealand, and French troops against the Ottoman defenses on the gallipoli peninsula. Their goal was to capture the Turkish forts that guarded the Dardanells. The Entente  ...More...

No. of Players: 1 to 4

Min. Age: 14

Price: 47.99
       (RRP is 94.99)

2!APL0864 Panzer Grenadier: Grossdeutschland 1944 published by Avalanche Press

Panzer Grenadier: Grossdeutschland 1944

APL0864: Panzer Grenadier: Grossdeutschland 1944 is on Sale

This Panzer Grenadier: Broken Axis expansion booklet contains 20 tactical-level scenarios (linkable into four “battle games”) set during the Soviet invasion of Romania in 1944. Mustered against two Soviet armies are a miscellany of German and Romanian units. Four scenarios center on the SS “Death's  ...More...

Price: 12.99
       (RRP is 24.99)

2!DVV1041C Sherman Leader: German Miniature Set published by Dan Verssen Games

Sherman Leader: German Miniature Set

DVV1041C: Sherman Leader: German Miniature Set is on Sale

All 4 packs together contain: Panzer III (x2), Panzer IV (x2), Tiger I (x2), SdKfz 251 (x2), STuG III (x2), Opel Blitz (x2), Anti-Tank Gun (x2), Infantry Gun (x2), 88mm Gun (x2), Infantrymen (x20).


Price: 54.99
       (53.62 after automatic discount!, RRP is 109.99)

2!DVV1041B Sherman Leader: US Miniature Set published by Dan Verssen Games

Sherman Leader: US Miniature Set

DVV1041B: Sherman Leader: US Miniature Set is on Sale

3 packs of miniatures contain: M3 Stuart, M24 Chaffee, M3 Lee/Grant, M4A1 75mm Sherman, M4A3 76mm Sherman, M4A3E8 Jumbo Sherman, M26 Pershing, M3 Halftrack, M30 Halftrack 75mm, M8 Scout Car, M3 (White) Scout Car, M10 Wolverine, M36 Jackson, M18 Hellcat, M8 Scott SPG, M7 Priest SPG, Mortar Team, Machine  ...More...

Price: 54.99
       (53.62 after automatic discount!, RRP is 109.99)

2!DCGSTQ2 Strategy And Tactics Quarterly 2: America In WWI published by Decision Games

Strategy And Tactics Quarterly 2: America In WWI

DCGSTQ2: Strategy And Tactics Quarterly 2: America In WWI is on Sale

America in World War I: In April 1917, the United States entered World War I and the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) proved decisive in the ensuing Allied victory on the Western Front. Yet, a mere 10 years prior the US military was woefully unprepared for war.


Price: 6.99
       (RRP is 12.99)

2!DCGWAW74 World At War Magazine #74: Munich War 1938 published by Decision Games

World At War Magazine #74: Munich War 1938

DCGWAW74: World At War Magazine #74: Munich War 1938 is on Sale

Munich War 1938 is a two player operational level simulation of a hypothetical World War II in Europe that began in the fall of 1938. The assumption is that the British and French governments did not back down at the September 1938 Munich conference when Hitler demanded the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia  ...More...

Price: 16.99
       (RRP is 33.99)

2!DCGWAW76 World At War Magazine #76: Operation Jupiter: Churchill's Plan To Invade Norway 1942 published by Decision Games

World At War Magazine #76: Operation Jupiter: Churchill's Plan To Invade Norway 1942

DCGWAW76: World At War Magazine #76: Operation Jupiter: Churchill's Plan To Invade Norway 1942 is on Sale

Operation Jupiter: Churchill's Plan to Invade Norway, 1942 is a two-player wargame simulating the possible events that could have unfolded during the first 30 days of this planned but never run World War II campaign. The British prime minister had intended it as a strategic alternative for Operation  ...More...

Price: 16.99
       (RRP is 33.99)