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MGP40008 Traveller RPG: Starter Set published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Starter Set

MGP40008: Traveller RPG: Starter Set is Out of Stock

Everything you need to start exploring Traveller, including the full core rules set and a complete campaign to set you off in a universe of adventure!


Price: £36.99
       (RRP is £49.99)

MGP40007 Traveller RPG: Companion published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Companion

The Traveller Comnpanion is here... This book is a toolkit for Traveller campaigns, allowing referees and Travellers to pick and choose the best additions for their adventures and explore the galaxy in greater detail than before. From alternate Traveller creation systems and training to gas giant  ...More...

Price: £38.99
       (RRP is £45.99)

MGP40005 Traveller RPG: Referee's Screen (2016 Edition) published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Referee's Screen (2016 Edition)

MGP40005: Traveller RPG: Referee's Screen (2016 Edition) is Out of Stock

With a stunning ship's cockpit facing the players, and every vital table for the referee, the Traveller Referee's Screen is the perfect complement to a well-run Traveller campaign. Fully updated to the latest edition and with all the important tables and charts, the new Traveller Referee's Screen  ...More...

Price: £13.49
       (RRP is £18.99)

MGP40003 Traveller RPG: Central Supply Catalogue published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Central Supply Catalogue

Welcome to the Central Supply Catalogue! This book contains a variety of equipment Travellers might want, need, or wish they had as they cross the galaxy.

From diversions during jump travel to orbital defence lasers, from survival habitats to the latest in personal protection, the Central Supply  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

MGP40013 Traveller RPG: Great Rift Box Set published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Great Rift Box Set

MGP40013: Traveller RPG: Great Rift Box Set is Out of Stock

Only the boldest dare venture into the depths of the Great Rift, crossing the abyss of empty space to find unexplored star systems and forgotten wonders. Deep in the Great Rift lie ancient mysteries, strange alien races and human cultures who have not seen offworld contact in centuries. Portside  ...More...

Price: £45.99
       (RRP is £53.99)

MGP40001 Traveller RPG: High And Dry Adventure published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: High And Dry Adventure

MGP40001: Traveller RPG: High And Dry Adventure is Out of Stock

In High and Dry the Travellers are given a ship in which they can explore the galaxy for the rest of the campaign – the only catch is that they have to find it first. High and Dry is the perfect introductory adventure for Traveller, full of exploration, character interaction and a truly explosive  ...More...

Price: £9.99
       (RRP is £11.99)

MGP40002 Traveller RPG: High Guard published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: High Guard

MGP40002: Traveller RPG: High Guard is Out of Stock

This book is a major expansion to the Traveller roleplaying game, enabling you to design, build and fly spacecraft of all types found throughout the galaxy. You will find rules to modify existing ships, design high performance space superiority flyers, and construct the largest capital ships to travel  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £38.99)

MGP40009 Traveller RPG: The Pirates Of Drinax published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: The Pirates Of Drinax

MGP40009: Traveller RPG: The Pirates Of Drinax is Out of Stock

In the Pirates of Drinax, the Travellers play a band of adventurers entrusted by the King of Drinax with a letter of marque, permitting them to prey on ‘illegal' trade within the borders of the vanished kingdom. The King hopes this piracy will give him the leverage he needs to restore Drinax to its  ...More...

Price: £82.99
       (£80.92 after automatic discount!, RRP is £94.99)

MGP40004 Traveller RPG: Vehicle Handbook published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Vehicle Handbook

The Vehicle Handbook has been designed to be quick and easy to use, whether your Travellers are looking to quickly upgrade or modify their humble air/raft, or construct a massive battle-ready walker armed with city-crushing weaponry from scratch. Even a large, multi-turreted super-heavy battle tank  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £38.99)

FFE0300SC Traveller5 RPG: Core Rules Set (Slipcase Edition) published by Far Future Enterprises

Traveller5 RPG: Core Rules Set (Slipcase Edition)

FFE0300SC: Traveller5 RPG: Core Rules Set (Slipcase Edition) is Out of Stock

The ultimate edition of the Traveller Science-Fiction Role-Playing Game. Three hardcover 256-page books (all in a slipcase). Contains: Core Book 1- Characters and Combat, Core Book 2- Starships, Core Book 3- Worlds and Adventures, Traveller5 is the newest edition of the most popular and successful  ...More...

Price: £69.99
       (£68.24 after automatic discount!, RRP is £83.99)

FFE0901 Traveller5 RPG: Agent Of The Imperium published by Far Future Enterprises

Traveller5 RPG: Agent Of The Imperium

FFE0901: Traveller5 RPG: Agent Of The Imperium is Out of Stock

Agent of the Imperium carries the reader through the star-spanning Third Imperium with exciting glimpses of the universe of the far future.


Price: £10.49
       (RRP is £13.99)

FFE0301 Traveller5 RPG: Starships And Spacecraft 1 published by Far Future Enterprises

Traveller5 RPG: Starships And Spacecraft 1

FFE0301: Traveller5 RPG: Starships And Spacecraft 1 is Out of Stock

The Starships and Spacecraft series from Avenger Enterprises presents an array of spacegoing vessels for use in science-fiction roleplaying games. All designs are compatible with the Traveller RPG from Mongoose Publishing, but offer a different take on interstellar travel that will open up new adventure  ...More...

Price: £14.49
       (RRP is £16.99)

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