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MGP40108 Traveller RPG: Small Craft Catalogue published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Small Craft Catalogue

Welcome to the Small Craft Catalogue, featuring a vessel for your every need! Small craft, those vessels of less than 100 tons and without a jump drive, are the workhorses of Traveller and essential to the smooth running of every technological civilisation in Charted Space. This book gives you more  ...More...

Price: £35.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

MGP40098 Traveller RPG: The Trailing Frontier published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: The Trailing Frontier

The Trailing Frontier... a region of contradictions. At once a safe province and the future site of Humaniti's death-struggle against the K'kree of the Two Thousand Worlds; a backwater and a frontier. Half of the region lies within the Third Imperium, the other half is home to minor states and independent  ...More...

Price: £42.99
       (RRP is £51.99)

MGP40114 Traveller RPG: Whispers Of The Abyss published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Whispers Of The Abyss

A complete mini-campaign for Traveller, setting the stage for great events to come!

The Travellers are offered a lucrative contract to showcase a prototype starship to potential clients along the Spinward Main. Their route takes them around the periphery of the Abyss Rift, a region with a sinister  ...More...

Price: £35.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

MGP40103 Traveller RPG: Aliens Of Charted Space Volume 4 published by Mongoose Publishing

Traveller RPG: Aliens Of Charted Space Volume 4

MGP40103: Traveller RPG: Aliens Of Charted Space Volume 4 is on Pre-Order
Expected Apr-25 (liable to change without notice), see our Terms for Pre-Orders.
Orders containing pre-order items are held until all items are available, there is a postage option for most UK Customers to have an order split into 2 deliveries.

Aliens of Charted Space: Volume Four explores four species within Charted Space – the nature-loving Suerrat, the pacifistic Za'tachk, the mercantile Gurvin, and the xenophobic Tezcat. Within these covers, you will discover the culture and society of these species as well as their physiology, psychology  ...More...

Price: £41.99
       (RRP is £49.99)

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