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Card Games W

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ES4WIP01 Walking In Provence Card Game published by EmperorS4 Games

Walking In Provence Card Game

Walking in Provence is the second game in the "Walking in" series, bringing totally new ideas and mechanisms but the same experience to the first design Walking in Burano. Located in southeastern France, Provence is home to one of the most picturesque views in the world. Every summer, the vast fields  ...More...

No. of Players: 2 to 5

Duration: 20 to 30 minutes

Min. Age: 8

Price: £12.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

AREWOTR154 War Of The Ring: The Card Game Balrog Card Box And Sleeves published by Ares Games

War Of The Ring: The Card Game Balrog Card Box And Sleeves

War of the Ring The Card Game - Shadow Card Box and Sleeves (Balrog version) features wonderful art created for the Shadow cards, including the Shadow logo by Francesco Mattioli, the iconic "Doors of Durin" art by John Howe, and the "Whip of Many Thongs" illustration by Andrea Piparo. The sturdy  ...More...

Price: £14.99
       (RRP is £17.99)

AREWOTR103 War Of The Ring: The Card Game: Fire And Swords Expansion published by Ares Games

War Of The Ring: The Card Game: Fire And Swords Expansion

This second expansion for War of the Ring: The Card Game introduces new scenarios to the base game, including one that allows to play with up to six people. In addition to that, Fire and Swords features 60 faction cards, 9 new paths, 9 new battlegrounds, and 13 skirmishes, a new type of battleground  ...More...

No. of Players: 2 to 6

Duration: 60 minutes

Min. Age: 13

Price: £24.99
       (RRP is £29.99)

THK741785 Wave Card Game published by Kosmos Games

Wave Card Game

To win the co-operative card game Wave, everyone needs to be surfing in sync.

On your turn, play a card on the common discard pile. This card must be higher than the top card, either with a higher numerical value (number) or with a higher suit (color). The tricky part is that you can see only  ...More...

No. of Players: 2 to 4

Duration: 25 minutes

Min. Age: 10

Price: £7.99
       (RRP is £9.99)

VRD01083 Wizard Card Game published by VR Distribution

Wizard Card Game

Long, long ago, the Sorcerer's Apprentices had to learn this game to practice their magical abilities to develop the gift of foresight. Not so easy if one does not possess the gift of prophecy. Each player must predict the number of tricks they will receive during the game. The trick-taking game  ...More...

No. of Players: 3 to 6

Duration: 45 minutes

Min. Age: 10

Price: £8.49
       (RRP is £9.99)

MNKYWED Wednesday Card Game: Creatures And Outcasts published by MNKY Entertainment

Wednesday Card Game: Creatures And Outcasts

Normies play at their own risk. Wednesday: Creatures and Outcasts is a competitive card game for 2–6 players, that captures the magic and absurdity of the hit Netflix show in just 30 mins. Wednesday fans can enjoy a quick and tense card game featuring characters like the siren Bianca Barclay and  ...More...

No. of Players: 2 to 6

Duration: 30 minutes

Min. Age: 8

Price: £12.99
       (RRP is £14.99)

PEG57817E Witness Card Game: On the Trail Of The Chameleon published by Pegasus Spiele

Witness Card Game: On the Trail Of The Chameleon

Fight crime together! Whisper to your team to share your clues and gather all the information. Then, cleverly combine them and draw the correct conclusions in this thrilling adventure composed of 8 individual cases woven into an overarching story. A groundbreaking invention in the fight against climate  ...More...

No. of Players: 4

Duration: 10 to 25 minutes

Min. Age: 10

Price: £12.99
       (RRP is £14.99)

PEG57819E Witness Card Game: The Sigma Club published by Pegasus Spiele

Witness Card Game: The Sigma Club

Fight crime together! Whisper to your team to share your clues and gather all the information. Then, cleverly combine them and draw the correct conclusions in this thrilling adventure composed of 8 individual cases woven into an overarching story. A university in Lugano, Switzerland, is suspected  ...More...

No. of Players: 4

Duration: 10 to 25 minutes

Min. Age: 10

Price: £12.99
       (RRP is £14.99)

PEG57818E Witness Card Game: The Treasure Of Othesis published by Pegasus Spiele

Witness Card Game: The Treasure Of Othesis

Fight crime together! Whisper to your team to share your clues and gather all the information. Then, cleverly combine them and draw the correct conclusions in this thrilling adventure composed of 8 individual cases woven into an overarching story. A famous archaeologist is murdered. In his safe,  ...More...

No. of Players: 4

Duration: 10 to 25 minutes

Min. Age: 10

Price: £12.99
       (RRP is £14.99)

AREWOTR155 War Of The Ring: The Card Game Free Peoples Card Box And Sleeves (Radagast Version) published by Ares Games

War Of The Ring: The Card Game Free Peoples Card Box And Sleeves (Radagast Version)

War of the Ring The Card Game - Free Peoples Card Box and Sleeves (Radagast version) features wonderful art created for the Free Peoples cards, including the Free Peoples logo by Francesco Mattioli and the iconic "Radagast The Brown" art by Kuo Yang, together with the cover illustration of the expansion  ...More...

Price: £13.49
       (RRP is £15.99)

AREWOTR156 War Of The Ring: The Card Game Shadow Card Box And Sleeves (Red Bannerman Version) published by Ares Games

War Of The Ring: The Card Game Shadow Card Box And Sleeves (Red Bannerman Version)

War of the Ring The Card Game - Shadow Card Box and Sleeves (Red Bannerman version) features wonderful art created for the Shadow cards, including the Shadow logo by Francesco Mattioli and the iconic "Red Bannerman" art by Kuo Yang, together with the cover illustration of the expansion Fire and Swords  ...More...

Price: £13.49
       (RRP is £15.99)

RGS02777 Wraith And The Giants Card Game published by Renegade Game Studios

Wraith And The Giants Card Game

RGS02777: Wraith And The Giants Card Game is on Pre-Order
Expected 04/01/2025 (liable to change without notice), see our Terms for Pre-Orders.
Orders containing pre-order items are held until all items are available, there is a postage option for most UK Customers to have an order split into 2 deliveries.

Every 23 years since time unknown, Giants have risen from the lands beyond marching towards the village to feed. Your grandmother fought and defeated these monsters while she was alive; the duty had fallen to her upon the death of her grandmother, and so forth back as far as legend records. Your  ...More...

No. of Players: 1

Duration: 30 to 45 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £34.99)

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