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Commands and Colors

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COM1061 Commands and Colors Board Game: The American Revolution: Tricorne Expansion 1 published by Compass Games

Commands and Colors Board Game: The American Revolution: Tricorne Expansion 1

COM1061: Commands and Colors Board Game: The American Revolution: Tricorne Expansion 1 is Out of Stock

The French & More! is the first expansion for the Commands & Colors Tricorne - The American Revolution game. The kit adds ten new battles, adding the French army to the mix and expanding your existing forces. Of course, the two major land battles involving the French Army are included in the scenarios:  ...More...

Price: £71.99
       (£70.19 after automatic discount!, RRP is £77.99)

GMT2018 Commands And Colors: Samurai Battles published by GMT Games

Commands And Colors: Samurai Battles

The Commands & Colors: Samurai Battles game rules allow players to portray important engagements of Japanese history. The battles, included in the scenario booklet, focus on the historical deployment of forces and important terrain features in scale with the game system. The scale of the game is  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 60 to 90 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £79.99
       (£77.99 after automatic discount!, RRP is £104.99)

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