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Historic Games

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GMT051217 Here I Stand Board Game: 500th Anniversary Edition published by GMT Games

Here I Stand Board Game: 500th Anniversary Edition

Here I Stand covers the political and religious conflicts of early 16th Century Europe. Few realize that the greatest feats of Martin Luther, Jean Calvin, Ignatius Loyola, Henry VIII, Charles V, Francis I, Suleiman the Magnificent, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernando Cortes, and Nicolaus Copernicus all  ...More...

No. of Players: 2 to 6

Duration: 180 to 360 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: �78.99
       (�77.02 after automatic discount!, RRP is �94.99)

COL3121 Julius Caesar published by Columbia Games

Julius Caesar

COL3121: Julius Caesar is Out of Stock

Julius Caesar brings the drama of the Roman Civil War (49-45 BC) to life. Players take control of the legions of Caesar or Pompey and fight to determine the future of Rome: republic or empire. Marc Antony, Cleopatra, Octavian, and Brutus also play key roles.

The map board depicts the major  ...More...

Price: �58.99
       (�57.52 after automatic discount!, RRP is �69.99)

GMT1908 Levy And Campaign Series Volume 1: Nevsky: Teutons And Rus In Collision 1240-1242 published by GMT Games

Levy And Campaign Series Volume 1: Nevsky: Teutons And Rus In Collision 1240-1242

GMT1908: Levy And Campaign Series Volume 1: Nevsky: Teutons And Rus In Collision 1240-1242 is Out of Stock

Nevsky is a board wargame about the storied clash between Latin Teutonic and Orthodox Russian powers along the Baltic frontier of the mid-13th-Century. It is the first volume in GMT Games' Levy & Campaign Series portraying military operations in a variety of pre-industrial conflicts. In Nevsky, players  ...More...

No. of Players: 1 to 2

Duration: 60 to 360 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: �71.99
       (�70.19 after automatic discount!, RRP is �84.99)

GMT1707 Manoeuvre Board Game: Distant Lands Expansion published by GMT Games

Manoeuvre Board Game: Distant Lands Expansion

GMT1707: Manoeuvre Board Game: Distant Lands Expansion is Out of Stock

The regiment had fought countless battles across the European continent. War had been waged in Bavaria against the Prussians, Catalonia against the Spaniards, under the great pyramids against the relentless Turk and even at New Orleans against those upstart Americans. Now new challengers have arisen  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 60 minutes

Min. Age: 10

Price: �19.99
       (RRP is �24.99)

GMT1712 Men Of Iron Volume 4: Arquebus: The Battles For Northern Italy 1495 - 1544 published by GMT Games

Men Of Iron Volume 4: Arquebus: The Battles For Northern Italy 1495 - 1544

GMT1712: Men Of Iron Volume 4: Arquebus: The Battles For Northern Italy 1495 - 1544 is Out of Stock

Northern Italy - and especially Milan - at the end of the 15th century was the brutal focal point for power and control between France and the Imperialist empires of Venice and Spain. And the battles fought for this prize are a record of the changing face of how war was fought. At the start of the  ...More...

No. of Players: 1 to 2

Min. Age: 14

Price: �51.99
       (�50.69 after automatic discount!, RRP is �64.99)

GMT1311 Navajo Wars published by GMT Games

Navajo Wars

GMT1311: Navajo Wars is Out of Stock

Navajo Wars is a one to two-player game which covers the amazing history of the Navajo people from their first encounters with European colonists until their brutal subjugation by the Americans. For over 250 years, the Navajo fought to preserve their way of life. Navajo Wars gives YOU a detailed  ...More...

No. of Players: 1 to 2

Price: �53.99
       (�52.64 after automatic discount!, RRP is �68.99)

COM1072 No Peace Without Spain Deluxe Edition published by Compass Games

No Peace Without Spain Deluxe Edition

COM1072: No Peace Without Spain Deluxe Edition is Out of Stock

That all fears that the Realms of France and Spain might ever be conjoined in one Person shall be allayed...His Catholic Majesty does here reiterate and reaffirm the abdication of all His rights to the Crown of France.- Treaty of Utrecht, Article II, 1713. With these words, Philip V, King of Spain  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 240 minutes

Min. Age: 12

Price: �66.99
       (�65.32 after automatic discount!, RRP is �77.99)

COM1027 On To Paris: Franco Prussian War published by Compass Games

On To Paris: Franco Prussian War

COM1027: On To Paris: Franco Prussian War is Out of Stock

On To Paris! uses a wargame system adapted from Victory Games' 'The Civil War' to simulate the grand events of the Franco Prussian war (1870-71) and challenge players to control the leadership, organization and military operations of Armies and Corps during the later 19th century.


No. of Players: 1 to 2

Duration: 60 to 720 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: �83.99
       (�81.89 after automatic discount!, RRP is �91.99)

COM1073 Once We Moved Like The Wind, The Apache Wars, 1861-1886 published by Compass Games

Once We Moved Like The Wind, The Apache Wars, 1861-1886

Their names are virtually synonymous with the long conflicts with the native indigenes of the American West. Cochise, Victoria, Chato, Geronimo. These great war band leaders all come from the various tribes of the Apache, and the Apache Wars dominated the attention of the US government in its westward  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 60 to 120 minutes

Price: �62.99
       (�61.42 after automatic discount!, RRP is �69.99)

GMT1905 Peloponnesian War published by GMT Games

Peloponnesian War

GMT1905: Peloponnesian War is Out of Stock

This is the enhanced version of Mark Herman's Peloponnesian War design, originally published by Victory Games. Most current solitaire systems on the market today have the player take one side for the entire game. This pits the player against a random 'Bot system, even the best of which have some  ...More...

No. of Players: 1 to 2

Min. Age: 14

Price: �50.99
       (�49.72 after automatic discount!, RRP is �64.99)

GMT1720 Pendragon Board Game: The Fall Of Roman Britain published by GMT Games

Pendragon Board Game: The Fall Of Roman Britain

GMT1720: Pendragon Board Game: The Fall Of Roman Britain is Out of Stock

Transporting players into the 4th and 5th Centuries A.D. and to the embattled Isle of Britannia, Pendragon: The Fall of Roman Britain, Volume 8 in GMT's COIN Series, covers a century of history from the first large-scale raids of Irish, Pict, and Saxon raiders, to the establishment of successor kingdoms,  ...More...

No. of Players: 1 to 4

Duration: 60 to 360 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: �78.99
       (�77.02 after automatic discount!, RRP is �94.99)

GMT1701 Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars published by GMT Games

Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars

GMT1701: Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars is Out of Stock

Pericles: The Peloponnesian Wars is a "sandbox" (unscripted) wargame that covers the ENTIRE period of conflict described in Thucydides classic history on the Peloponnesian wars. Pericles is a four-player game, where two teams of Athenian and Spartan factions fight for Hegemony in 5th Century Greece.  ...More...

No. of Players: 1 to 4

Duration: 30 to 360 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: �68.49
       (�66.78 after automatic discount!, RRP is �84.99)

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