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Song Of Fire And Ice

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CMNSIF008 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Starter Set

CMNSIF008: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Starter Set is Out of Stock

Robert is dead. Will a New Baratheon Take the Iron Throne? King Robert Baratheon is dead. And while his (alleged) son Joffrey sits on the throne, there are other Baratheons who have also made claim to the kingdom. Both Renley and Stannis Baratheon have laid claim to the Iron Throne and they are willing  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £91.99
       (£89.69 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF003 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Starter Set

The Free Folk in the north care not for the squabbles of the various Houses south of The Wall. These nomadic tribes will go where they please. And recently, they've been flowing their way into warmer climes. However, the people already in those lands don't take kindly to what appears to be an invasion  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £89.99
       (£87.74 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF002 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Starter Set

In the far North, at the very edge of civilization in Westeros, the Night's Watch tirelessly guard The Wall against any and all incursions. Formed from the discarded men in society (the lower sons, the criminals, and the bastards), they train hard and are equipped well to face the many horrors looking  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £92.99
       (£90.67 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF001 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Vs Lannister Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Vs Lannister Starter Set

CMNSIF001: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Vs Lannister Starter Set is Out of Stock

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game lets players take control of their favorite Houses from the novels - represented by trays of high-quality, pre-assembled miniatures - and lead them into battle against their opponents. Players can recreate their favorite moments from the series or  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £119.99
       (£113.99 after automatic discount!, RRP is £149.99)

CMNSIF006 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Starter Set

CMNSIF006: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Starter Set is Out of Stock

Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen rules her khalasar as Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea. Her influence and skill have made her one of the most powerful women in the world. No other faction boasts so many skilled cavalry, made even more so by Khal Drogo's inspiring leadership on the battlefield.  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £64.99
       (£63.37 after automatic discount!, RRP is £99.99)

CMNSIF809 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes Box 1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes Box 1 Expansion

CMNSIF809: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes Box 1 Expansion is Out of Stock

King Stannis's retinue expands to include some of the most skillful and influential individuals of Dragonstone lands. From Ser Davos Seaworth, Hand of King Stannis, to Queen Selyse and the Red Priestess Melisandre, King Stannis as all the support he needs to wrest the Iron Throne from Joffrey the  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF810 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes Box 2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes Box 2 Expansion

CMNSIF810: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes Box 2 Expansion is Out of Stock

While King Renly's claim to the Iron Throne may not be the strongest by birth, it certainly is strongest in allies. House Tyrell lends its vast support and even vaster armies to King Renly's cause with both the Lady Margery Tyrell and her brother Ser Loras Tyrell. The Lady Olenna Tyrell's subtle  ...More...

Price: £26.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF803 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Stag Knights Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Stag Knights Expansion

The Stag Knights are House Baratheon's finest unit. Their ranks are made up of nobles, each bearing the signature horned him as a sign of their station. Their armor is some of the finest in all of Westeros, only matched by House Lannister. And their two-handed warhammers are able to smash enemy armor  ...More...

Price: £25.76
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF801 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Wardens Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Wardens Expansion

Heavy arms and heavier armor define the Baratheon Wardens. With thick plate mail, heavy shields, and the signature Baratheon war hammer, Wardens are ideally suited for the vanguard or as a hard center in any formation. While they suffer from the usual weakness of speed common to all heavy infantry,  ...More...

Price: £25.76
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF508 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bloody Mummer Skirmishers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bloody Mummer Skirmishers Expansion

There are many mercenary companies in Westeros. Each one must find a way to stand out from the rest. The Bloody Mummers do this via garish outfits and makeup, along with wild antics. Butit would be only a fool that would think them as mere clowns on the battlefield. Their outfits are not the sign  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF509 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bloody Mummer Zorse Riders Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bloody Mummer Zorse Riders Expansion

Naturally, ordinary horses are too mundane for the Blood Mummers. Zorses fill the cavalry role in their mercenary force. Coming from Essos, zorses were creating by interbreeding an unidentified striped animal and normal horses. The resulting beast is as swift as a horse, if not quite as powerful,  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF502 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Bastard's Girls Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Bastard's Girls Expansion

Dogs have been used as part of the hunt for hundreds of years. Their keen sense of smell, swift running speed, and vicious bite have helped man put food on the table since their domestication. House Bolton, though, has trained dogs to not just hunt wild game, but men out on the field of battle. Accompanied  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF504 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Blackguards Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Blackguards Expansion

CMNSIF504: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Blackguards Expansion is Out of Stock

House Bolton's reputation makes you either run in terror or calls you to celebrate their wanton violence and slaughter. The Bolton Blackguards universally fall into the latter type of person. Some of the most heavily-armored units fielded in Westeros, their heavy twohanded flails make enemy shields  ...More...

Price: £25.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF503 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Flayed Men Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Flayed Men Expansion

CMNSIF503: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Flayed Men Expansion is Out of Stock

House Bolton has the most-armored unit on the field of battle. The Flayed Men cavalry are clad in heavy plate armor and their horses are equally armored in thick barding. Only the toughest and largest horses can withstand the great weight put upon them by all that steel. While they might not be the  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF306 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Builder Scorpion Crew Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Builder Scorpion Crew Expansion

CMNSIF306: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Builder Scorpion Crew Expansion is Out of Stock

Life on the Wall can be hard, but the Brothers of the Night's Watch look out for one-another. It doesn't hurt that they have formidable siege weapons at their disposal. The Builders construct and maintain these defenses, like the Scorpion. It's smaller than the massive ballistae mounted atop the  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF408 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Cave Dweller Savages Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Cave Dweller Savages Expansion

The Free Folk are often framed as simple savages by those that live further south. In many instances, that evaluation is wrong. While the Free Folk don't harbor the trapping of much of civilization, they are not simply savages. The Cave Dwellers, though… they are simply savages. The Cave Dweller  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF407 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Followers Of Bone Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Followers Of Bone Expansion

CMNSIF407: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Followers Of Bone Expansion is Out of Stock

Many in Westeros regard those in the Free Folk army as savages, and many in the Free Folk seem to go out of their way to enhance that feeling. The Followers of Bone are devoted to the Lord of Bones and have bedecked themselves with an assortment of macabre skeletal accessories, including using them  ...More...

Price: £25.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF409 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Heroes Box 1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Heroes Box 1 Expansion

The Free Folk Heroes 1 box gives Free Folk Commanders a whole host of new options for their forces. Coming up from the ranks of everyday men and women, people like Rattleshirt, Harma the Dogshead, or The Weeper, are set to move the course of the Free Folk in certain directions. This set includes  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF401 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Raiders Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Raiders Expansion

The bulk of the Free Folk forces are made up of the everyday people of the various tribes. They don't have fancy metal armor. They don't relentlessly train and drill maneuvers. They barely have weapons, just scavenging a bit of bone or old swords from the battlefield. But what they lack in military  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF406 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Savage Giants Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Savage Giants Expansion

There are many strange and mystical creatures in the lands of Westeros. The Giants are among them. These massive creatures are just like humans, only much, much, much bigger. Anyone who says that size doesn't matter has never had to deal with a giant or two. As part of the Free Folk army, they are  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF402 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Skinchangers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Skinchangers Expansion

CMNSIF402: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Skinchangers Expansion is Out of Stock

Skinchangers have the rare ability to project their consciousness into nearby creatures, altering their behavior. This can be used simply, perhaps having them perform tricks. But it can also be used in combat. It's bad enough when an enemy unit is advancing on your position. It's worse when that  ...More...

Price: £23.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF403 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Trappers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Trappers Expansion

The Free Folk are a rugged people, not very familiar with any forms of civilization. They aren't ones to settle down on land and farm. They get their meals through wits and wile, making traps and snares to hunt prey. On the battlefields, these snares can just as easily cause issues for enemy troops  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF205 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Knights Of Casterly Rock published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Knights Of Casterly Rock

CMNSIF205: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Knights Of Casterly Rock is Out of Stock

The Lannisters spare no expense when it comes to outfitting their troops. Even the regular line soldier has the finest in arms and armor. So when it comes to a unit as special as their mounted knights, cost is never an issue. The Knights of Casterly Rock have literally the best equipment and training  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF206 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Crossbowmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Crossbowmen Expansion

CMNSIF206: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Crossbowmen Expansion is Out of Stock

When it comes to training soldiers, crossbowmen require a lot less work than average. The real cost comes in the production of the crossbow, itself. Technological advances aren't cheap, and keeping weapons in working order during war is no easy task. Still, a family with resources like the Lannisters  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF202 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Halberdiers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Halberdiers Expansion

If the Lannisters are known for one thing, it's their deep pockets. Their wealth lets them afford only the best when it comes to arming and armoring up their troops. Halberds tend to be a relatively cheap weapon to produce, but those made for Lannister troops are still of the highest quality, almost  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF209 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 1 Expansion

CMNSIF209: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 1 Expansion is Out of Stock

Wars are fought with money, and in the War of the Five Kings, none of the Great Houses are more financially equipped than the Lannisters. They outfit their troops in the best armor and arm them with the finest steel. But troops still need leaders.


Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF210 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 2 Expansion

CMNSIF210: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 2 Expansion is Out of Stock

In all of Westeros, there are many a swordsman or woman who lay claim to be the best in all the land, but unless they were one of the seven of the King's Guard, that boast would most assuredly be simply hot air. The King's Guard include the seven best soldiers in the kingdom. With the duty of protecting  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF208 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Poor Fellows Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Poor Fellows Expansion

CMNSIF208: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Poor Fellows Expansion is Out of Stock

The Poor Fellows do not wear fancy armor. Their weapons are whatever was close by when they headed into combat. But enemy Commanders that discount their prowess in battle will soon find themselves overrun by fanatics.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF207 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Warrior's Sons Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Warrior's Sons Expansion

CMNSIF207: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Warrior's Sons Expansion is Out of Stock

In the land of Westeros, a title is a potential gateway to a life of leisure. Having land and dominion over those on it can easily lead to never having to work a single day. The Warrior's Sons, however, have eschewed all lands and titles, devoting their lives to the Seven. Instead of having servants  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF203 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mountain's Men Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mountain's Men Expansion

The Mountain's Men are drawn from the dregs of society. These men have no morals and it shows in how they fight on the battlefield. They give no quarter. They take no prisoners. Those that try and run must be fast, lest they get cut down from behind. Their ruthlessness is well known by the enemy,  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF510 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes Box 2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes Box 2 Expansion

One thing remains true for the unaligned forces in the War of the Five Kings, whether they're fighting for coin, self-interest, or simple survival, they always remain true to themselves. They are a wild card that can be added to any army in the game. Some Heroes, like Roose Bolton and Ramsay Snow,  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF304 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Builder Crossbowmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Builder Crossbowmen Expansion

The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night's Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well as create and maintain the siege weapons along The Wall. But everyone in the Night's Watch must be ready to take up arms when a threat to Westeros appears, including the Builders.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF308 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Conscripts Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Conscripts Expansion

CMNSIF308: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Conscripts Expansion is Out of Stock

When one makes their way into the Night's Watch, they aren't simply made a Sworn Brother immediately. While the organization has traditionally lax rules for recruitment, there is still a period where those that sign up are simply conscripts, being used where necessary to keep those south of The Wall  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF309 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes Box 1 Expansion (20129 Edition) published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes Box 1 Expansion (20129 Edition)

From Castle Black, the Night's Watch guards the formidable Wall, which is used to protect all of Westeros from the horrors that lurk in the cold, dark, and foreboding northlands. Taken from the dregs and leftovers of society, there are those that rise through the ranks and achieve places of power  ...More...

Price: £24.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF302 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Ranger Trackers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Ranger Trackers Expansion

The Ranger Trackers are certainly not the hardest-hitting or most heavily-armored cavalry unit in Westeros, but they are some of the fastest and most agile. These swift hunters are able to get almost anywhere they need to be on the battlefield. Utilized as scouts when not in battle, they also have  ...More...

Price: £27.49
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF307 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Stone Thrower Crew Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Stone Thrower Crew Expansion

CMNSIF307: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Stone Thrower Crew Expansion is Out of Stock

In the northernmost reaches of civilized land, the Night's Watch man The Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the wild things roaming beyond the Wall.


Price: £17.99
       (RRP is £34.99)

CMNSIF303 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Veterans Of The Watch Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Veterans Of The Watch Expansion

Far in the north of Westeros, The Wall protects the civilized lands from the dangers that lurk beyond. Manning The Wall is the Night's Watch. These discarded sons of Westeros have sworn to protect those that cast them out against any and all that might threaten them. Such conditions are harsh, and  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF204 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Pyromancers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Pyromancers Expansion

When in war, a Commander must take advantage of all of the technology at their disposal. Minor breakthroughs can provide a slight edge on the battlefield, but when a discovery like Wildfire is made, it's enough to turn the tide of a conflict.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF405 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Spearwives Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Spearwives Expansion

In the south, women are a rarity on the battlefield, but in the north, the Free Folk know that women are quite capable of standing in the line of battle in defense of their homeland. The Spearwives may not be equipped for a vanguard, yet as flankers or a rearguard, they can protect the line against  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF106 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Bowmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Bowmen Expansion

In battle, the goal is to defeat your opponent without being defeated, yourself. If you can attack your enemy and they cannot retaliate, that goes a long way to victory. For House Stark, that means employing skilled bowmen in their ranks. They have trained relentlessly in their everyday lives as  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF109 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 1 Expansion

CMNSIF109: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 1 Expansion is Out of Stock

The Starks are known to be dependable, resilient, and above all, loyal. This goes double for their leaders. These warriors from House Stark lead the armies of the North in the War of the Five Kings. Each one under the Direwolf banner is an expert in some part of military engagement.


Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF110 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 2 Expansion

CMNSIF110: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 2 Expansion is Out of Stock

House Stark is known for its honor and integrity. As such, many have become allies of the great House that might be shunned or turned away, otherwise. In a world such as Westeros, it's good to have friends. You never know what kind of skills they might be able to bring to the battlefield.


Price: £19.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF301 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sworn Brothers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sworn Brothers Expansion

In the far North, the brotherhood of the Night's Watch keep an eye on any terrors that would assault Westeros. They are the unwanted. The lower sons, the criminals, the bastards, the outcasts. But in the Night's Watch, they find a place and a purpose. Outfitted with rugged, warm armor and massive  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF601 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Screamers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Screamers Expansion

CMNSIF601: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Screamers Expansion is Out of Stock

The warrior ways of the Dothraki might make them appear as simple barbarian savages, screaming into the sky as they charge into battle. And many commanders have underestimated them because of those stereotypes. A Dothraki will spend more time on their horse than they will off of it, and with that  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF607 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Unsullied Swordsmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Unsullied Swordsmen Expansion

The spike-helmed Unsullied, trained to military perfection in the slaver city of Astapor, are renowned for their individual prowess and collective discipline. When organized into units of Swordmasters, the Unsullied can hold the front lines as well as any rank of heavy Westerosi troops. Feeling no  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF108 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Tully Cavaliers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Tully Cavaliers Expansion

CMNSIF108: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Tully Cavaliers Expansion is Out of Stock

House Tully has long been one of House Stark's most stalwart allies. Now that the Direwolf has marched to war, every resource is being sent to field. That includes House Tully's Cavaliers, their heavily armed and armored cavalry. They are masters at the cavalry charge and can break enemy lines with  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF105 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Tully Sworn Shields Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Tully Sworn Shields Expansion

CMNSIF105: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Tully Sworn Shields Expansion is Out of Stock

The great Houses of Westeros had many other, smaller Houses that paid fealty to them. These bonds could be quite strong, reinforced by marriage. When House Stark sent out its ravens to call their Bannermen, House Tully was quick to lend their arms to the cause. In battle, the Sworn Shields would  ...More...

Price: £30.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF103 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Umber Berserkers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Umber Berserkers Expansion

Some men just relish confrontation. They long to jump into the fray, scrapping with an enemy, seeing them beaten to a pulp. As the battle rages on, they get more and more into a frenzy. Wounds seem to not matter and actually drive their bloodlust further. That's the case with the Umber Berserkers.  ...More...

Price: £23.49
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF609 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #1 Expansion

CMNSIF609: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #1 Expansion is Out of Stock

While the great Houses of Westeros fight with one another over who will sit on the Iron Throne, a foreign faction steadily grows in power across the ocean. Daenerys Targaryen is uniting the Dothraki forces along with Khal Drogo. These horselords will soon be making the trek across the Narrow Sea  ...More...

Price: £24.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF808 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: R'hllor Faithful Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: R'hllor Faithful Expansion

CMNSIF808: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: R'hllor Faithful Expansion is Out of Stock

The R'hllor Faithful bring their conviction in their god to the battlefield in service of Stannis Baratheon. These holy warriors anoint their blades in sacred oils and set them alight, causing vicious wounds with each slash. Whenever their faith is tested, they only become more deadly to the enemy.  ...More...

Price: £25.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF802 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Sentinels Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Sentinels Expansion

For most armies, the armor worn by the Baratheon Sentinels would count them as heavy infantry. But for House Baratheon, they only are classified as medium infantry. Still, their resilient plate mail can turn away most attacks, while their warhammers make quick work of enemies out on the field.


Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF513 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Dervishes Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Dervishes Expansion

CMNSIF513: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Dervishes Expansion is Out of Stock

Add a new melee unit to the ranks of any army in Westeros! Among the Dervishes are some of the Stormcrows' most veteran skirmishers, masters of hit-and-fade tactics.


Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF602 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Veterans published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Veterans

CMNSIF602: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Veterans is Out of Stock

A Dothraki is effectively born in the saddle. From the earliest age, they learn to ride, becoming the greatest horsemen in the land. After many battles, these horsemen have honed their skills to perfection. Their mastery of swordsmanship, archery, and riding is surpassed by none. In combat, they  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF606 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Unsullied Pikemen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Unsullied Pikemen Expansion

CMNSIF606: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Unsullied Pikemen Expansion is on Sale CMNSIF606: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Unsullied Pikemen Expansion is Out of Stock

Adding fearsome weapons to the unshakable Unsullied makes for a truly unbreakable center to any formation. Despite their armor rating a "light" classification in the western sense, and Unsullied spear wall, advancing in lockstep according to doctrines laid down in the Old Empire of Ghis, can move  ...More...

Price: £18.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF816 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Attachments Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Attachments Expansion

CMNSIF816: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Attachments Expansion is Out of Stock

With the death of Robert Baratheon, many have put in claims to be the next rightful person to sit on the Iron Throne. For House Baratheon, two people have made that claim. Both of Robert's brothers, Stannis and Renly, have each decided it is their turn to rule. This has torn House Baratheon in two  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF416 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Attachments Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Attachments Expansion

There are an unknown number of tribes that live north of the Wall. These tough and hardy people will often form up and head south, looking for more hospitable land to call their own. Unfortunately, there's usually already people occupying that land. So, the Free Folk must be willing to fight for  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF216 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Attachments Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Attachments Expansion

CMNSIF216: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Attachments Expansion is Out of Stock

House Lannister looks to maintain control of the Iron Throne and is willing to spend any cost in order to make it happen. Their coffers are open, and they are hiring the best soldiers in Westeros to lead their units. These combat veterans bring expertise, training, and cunning not found in the average  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF316 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Attachments Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Attachments Expansion

The Night's Watch will gladly take in anyone and everyone in order to bolster their ranks. They are evil-vigilant protectors of the Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the terrors that lie farther north. Battles against these horrors quickly weed out anyone who is unfit for the Black. All that remains  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF116 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Attachments Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Attachments Expansion

CMNSIF116: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Attachments Expansion is Out of Stock

House Stark is known for extolling integrity, justice, and loyalty. Those that flock to the Direwolf's Banner feel that what they are fighting for is right. This feeling is instilled in the officers that are in charge of the units within the Stark army. House Stark might not have the deepest coffers,  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF605 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Freedmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Freedmen Expansion

As Daenerys Targaryen sweeps across Essos with her Dothraki army, she has been freeing thousands of slaves as she defeats those that stand against her. It was not originally her intention to have them join her army, but many have willingly taken up arms and are eager to help their liberators conquer  ...More...

Price: £26.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF806 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Queen's Men Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Queen's Men Expansion

The Queen's Men aren't named necessarily for their dedication to Queen Selyse. Instead, it refers to their conversion to the R'hllor faith. And while many might be concerned that their true loyalties lie with the Red Priestess, for the time being, they are just as willing to head to battle in service  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF603 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Outriders Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Outriders Expansion

CMNSIF603: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Outriders Expansion is on Sale

With significant ranged combat power and the ability to maintain that range, the Dothraki Outriders are more than simple scouts. While ordinary archers are a headache for any foot troops, Dothraki Outriders are an absolute nightmare. Their ability to dance into range, loose their arrows, then escape  ...More...

Price: £19.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF608 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mother Of Dragons Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mother Of Dragons Expansion

Queen Daenerys Targaryen isn't only known as the Mother of Dragons simply because she is the head of her House. No, she has control of three of these mythical beasts. Rhaegal, Viserion, and Drogon answer her every call and follow her every command. As if the legions of Unsullied, the hordes of Dothraki,  ...More...

Price: £34.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF412 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: War Mammoths Expansion (2021 Edition) published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: War Mammoths Expansion (2021 Edition)

There are many strange creatures that live north of the Wall. Most people in Westeros could only dream of giant, furry elephants covered in armor and spikes trampling through a battlefield. Unfortunately for the enemies of the Free Folk, these War Mammoths are very much real, and they are coming  ...More...

Price: £29.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF009 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Starter Set

The full might of the Ironborn arrives along the shores of Westeros to contest your epic miniatures battles for control of the Iron Throne! Hit your enemies early and hard, pillaging everything in your path. Contains everything required for one player to get started in the exciting action.


No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £77.99
       (£76.04 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF904 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironborn Trappers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironborn Trappers Expansion

Capturing thralls is part of the Ironborn reaving tradition, and the Ironborn Trappers excel at bringing enemies in alive. Trappers are not built for the front lines, but rather for flanking and hindering heavier enemy units with their long, barbed spears and entangling nets. With Trappers on one  ...More...

Price: £14.96
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF903 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironmakers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironmakers Expansion

The heavily armored men of House Ironmaker often serve as the main center of an Ironborn force where a dedicated line is called for. Their thick scale armor over boiled leather allows them to withstand strong assaults and even cavalry charges. That said, their "heavy armor" is equivalent to the medium  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIFFP8 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Faction Pack published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Faction Pack

Cards in this Faction Pack replace existing cards for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game released prior to version 2021. It also includes updated secret missions and objective cards for the new game mode.


Price: £9.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

CMNSIFFP4 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Faction Pack published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Faction Pack

Cards in this Faction Pack replace existing cards for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game released prior to version 2021. It also includes updated secret missions and objective cards for the new game mode.


Price: £16.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

CMNSIFFP2 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Faction Pack published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Faction Pack

CMNSIFFP2: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Faction Pack is Out of Stock

Cards in this Faction Pack replace existing cards for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game released prior to version 2021. It also includes updated secret missions and objective cards for the new game mode.


Price: £9.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

CMNSIFFP5 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Faction Pack published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Faction Pack

Cards in this Faction Pack replace existing cards for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game released prior to version 2021. It also includes updated secret missions and objective cards for the new game mode.


Price: £16.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

CMNSIFFP3 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Faction Pack published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Faction Pack

Cards in this Faction Pack replace existing cards for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game released prior to version 2021. It also includes updated secret missions and objective cards for the new game mode.


Price: £16.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

CMNSIFFP1 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Faction Pack published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Faction Pack

CMNSIFFP1: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Faction Pack is Out of Stock

Cards in this Faction Pack replace existing cards for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game released prior to version 2021. It also includes updated secret missions and objective cards for the new game mode.


Price: £9.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

CMNSIFFP6 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Faction Pack published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Faction Pack

Cards in this Faction Pack replace existing cards for A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game released prior to version 2021. It also includes updated secret missions and objective cards for the new game mode.


Price: £9.99
       (RRP is £19.99)

CMNSIF909 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Heroes #1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Heroes #1 Expansion

CMNSIF909: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Heroes #1 Expansion is Out of Stock

With the Seven Kingdoms distracted by internecine war, the Kraken banner rises once more to threaten coastlines across Westeros! The lords and heroes of House Greyjoy lead their armies to victory in skirmishes and raids, bringing back the spoils of the fertile mainland. From Theon's reckless tactics  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF805 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon King's Men Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon King's Men Expansion

CMNSIF805: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon King's Men Expansion is Out of Stock

The faith that the King's Men have in The Seven is only matched by their faith that Stannis Baratheon should be the next one to sit upon the Iron Throne. Through rigorous training with their greatswords and heavy armor, they are headed to the field of battle in service of the older Baratheon brother.  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF604 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dothraki Hrakkars Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dothraki Hrakkars Expansion

Taming one of the great white lions of the Dothraki Sea is a feat accomplished by only the mightiest khals. The Hrakkars are powerful beasts that match even the famed Stark Direwolves in terms of conferred status, and in war is just as fearsome a sight on the field. Fast, deadly, and above all stealthy,  ...More...

Price: £33.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIFP18 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Deluxe Activation Banner Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Deluxe Activation Banner Expansion

CMNSIFP18: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Deluxe Activation Banner Expansion is Out of Stock

The Greyjoy Deluxe Activation Banner set gives commanders an easy way to keep track of which of their units have activated and which are left to go. The set contains 10 premium plastic banners, each attached to a 30mm base. The banners can be placed next to a unit to show that it has activated, or  ...More...

Price: £12.49
       (RRP is £14.99)

CMNSIF905 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Harlaw Reapers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Harlaw Reapers Expansion

The infamous Reapers of House Harlaw employ massive, long-bladed axes reminiscent of their house sigil of the silver scythe. And indeed, the Reapers excel at scything through enemy ranks. Even the most heavily armored enemies flee as chaff before these fearsome troops. Considered light infantry,  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF111 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mormont She-Bears Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mormont She-Bears Expansion

Most of the soldiers marching to battle in Westeros' wars are men. Many people feel that a woman's place is back home, running things there. But for House Mormont, their She-Bears gladly head to war, taking up arms just like any other soldier. Drawing inspiration in armor and weaponry from legendary  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF807 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: R'hllor Lightbringers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: R'hllor Lightbringers Expansion

CMNSIF807: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: R'hllor Lightbringers Expansion is Out of Stock

House Baratheon is well known for equipping their troops in some of the heaviest armor found on the battlefields of Westeros. While other Houses might also do this for their front-line combat troops or heavily-barded cavalry, House Baratheon's zeal for heavy armor even extends to their support units.  ...More...

Price: £18.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF812 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Thorn Watch Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Thorn Watch Expansion

Baratheon Thron watch for A Song Of Ice And Fire Miniatures Game. Miniatures are supplied assembled and unpainted.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF214 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Clegane Brigands Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Clegane Brigands Expansion

House Clegane Brigands for A Song Of Ice And Fire Miniatures Game. Miniatures are supplied assembled and unpainted.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF114 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Karstark Spearmen published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Karstark Spearmen

Karstark Spearmen for A Song Of Ice And Fire Miniatures Game. Miniatures are supplied assembled and unpainted.


Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF312 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Ranger Vanguard Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Ranger Vanguard Expansion

CMNSIF312: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Ranger Vanguard Expansion is Out of Stock

Night's Watch Ranger Vanguard for A Song Of Ice And Fire Miniatures Game. Miniatures are supplied assembled and unpainted.


Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF610 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #2 Expansion

CMNSIF610: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #2 Expansion is Out of Stock

Targaryen Heroes II for A Song Of Ice And Fire Miniatures Game. Miniatures are supplied assembled and unpainted.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF908 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Silenced Men Expansion (2021 Edition) published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Silenced Men Expansion (2021 Edition)

Those under the Kraken banner have long learned that raiding and terror are close companions. Thus the crew of House Greyjoy's warship Silance is composed entirely of mutes


Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF001B Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Starter Set

CMNSIF001B: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Starter Set is Out of Stock

The House Lannister Starter Set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a perfect starting place for players looking to don the red and gold in battle. It has everything they might need, from figures and stat cards to dice and rulebooks. Lannister Guardsmen and Halberdiers, along  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £79.99
       (£77.99 after automatic discount!, RRP is £99.99)

CMNSIF415 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Heroes 3 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Heroes 3 Expansion

The Free Folk Heroes 3 box gives Free Folk Commanders a whole host of new options for their forces.


Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF113 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Karstark Loyalists Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Karstark Loyalists Expansion

CMNSIF113: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Karstark Loyalists Expansion is on Sale

House Stark has many loyal bannermen. One of the most faithful is House Karstark of Karhold. Originally founded as a small branch of the major House, whenever House Stark calls for aid, House Karstark is among the first to send troops. The most common Loyalist troops from the House are kitted out  ...More...

Price: £18.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF215 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 3 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 3 Expansion

CMNSIF215: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 3 Expansion is on Sale CMNSIF215: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 3 Expansion is Out of Stock

The Heroes Lannister 3 box set for the A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game adds new options and strategies to the game board to help the Lannister side increase their control over King's Landing and the Iron Throne.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF315 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes 3 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes 3 Expansion

CMNSIF315: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes 3 Expansion is Out of Stock

In the far North, at the very edge of civilization in Westeros, the Night's Watch tirelessly guard The Wall against any and all incursions. Formed from the discarded men in society (the lower sons, the criminals, and the bastards), they train hard and are equipped well to face the many horrors looking  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF115 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 3 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 3 Expansion

CMNSIF115: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Heroes 3 Expansion is Out of Stock

The Heroes Stark 3 box for the A Song of Ice and Fire miniatures game includes new characters and expands the options for House Stark to avenge what happened in King's Landing to Eddard Stark.


Price: £19.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF902 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironborn Bowmen published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironborn Bowmen

Although drawn from the ranks of experienced Reavers, the Ironborn Bowmen are ill-suited to a melee. Their focus is wholly on delivering high damage at long range in support of their brethren. Softening up enemy ranks prior to a friendly charge makes enemy units that much more vulnerable to a rapid  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF517 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Golden Company Crossbowmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Golden Company Crossbowmen Expansion

The Golden Company, Westeros' most reliable mercenary company, offers several types of troops for hire, depending on the needs of the force they're being procured for. One of the most popular choices is their Crossbowmen. These sharp-eyed fighters never waste a shot, resolutely waiting until enemies  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF001A Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Starter Set

House Stark is known for their stalwart nature and cautious preparation for when winter will come again. They are a proud and devoted house. However, with the death of Robert Baratheon and imprisonment of Ned Stark, the Direwolf has mobilized for war. Will it be a Stark that rules as both King in  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £87.99
       (£85.79 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF213 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Casterly Rock Honor Guards Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Casterly Rock Honor Guards Expansion

CMNSIF213: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Casterly Rock Honor Guards Expansion is Out of Stock

The vast castle at Casterly Rock serves as both a symbol of Lannister supremacy and an unbreakable fortress, dominating the western lands in the Seven Kingdoms. As such, the renowned Sentinels of Casterly Rock are charged with defending the castle and rapidly responding to threats in the surrounding  ...More...

Price: £18.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF410 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Heroes Box 2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Heroes Box 2 Expansion

CMNSIF410: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Heroes Box 2 Expansion is Out of Stock

There are many legends of Grumkins and Snarks beyond the Wall. Despite all these speculations, the existence of giants are known by all the Free Folk. Free Folk Heroes 2 Box comes with Mag the Might and Wun Wun, both notorious among giants and men alike.


Price: £19.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF411 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Frozen Shore Chariots Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Frozen Shore Chariots Expansion

Those that live south of the Wall think that the Wildings living beyond it are nothing but primitive savages, not capable of utilizing any kind of advanced engineering in combat. That is, however, very much not the case. While their Frozen Shore Chariots aren't the sturdiest of constructs, they work  ...More...

Price: £34.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF516 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Golden Company Swordsmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Golden Company Swordsmen Expansion

CMNSIF516: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Golden Company Swordsmen Expansion is Out of Stock

Hiring a sellsword to join one's army can be tricky. Nobody wants to empty their coffers and get nothing but hollow promises to fight. When it comes to The Golden Company, however, their motto of 'Our word is good as gold' holds true. The Golden Company's Swordsmen are true professionals, willing  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF901 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironborn Reavers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ironborn Reavers Expansion

All along the cost of Westeros, sailors know to fear the Ironborn Reavers. Sightings of their longships are met with fear and trepidation. The Reavers are coastal raiders, ready to make quick assaults wherever they please. Now, these pirates loyal to House Greyjoy are bringing their swift hit-and-run  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF310 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes Box 2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes Box 2 Expansion

CMNSIF310: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes Box 2 Expansion is Out of Stock

The Night's Watch has protected the Seven Kingdoms from the wild lands beyond the Wall for thousands of years. To do so they must also stretch their reach and influence to places beyond the wall, be it through their Rangers, allied Wildlings or even through unknown allies. Night's Watch Heroes 2  ...More...

Price: £19.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF518 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Golden Company Elephants Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Golden Company Elephants Expansion

Soldiers train for just about any contingent out on the battlefield. However, few have any real strategy for when they see a massive war elephant bearing down on their battle line. With the Golden Company's deep resources, they can field these massive beasts, selling their services to anyone willing  ...More...

Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF906 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Blacktyde Chosen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Blacktyde Chosen Expansion

CMNSIF906: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Blacktyde Chosen Expansion is Out of Stock

When people along the coast see the banner of the Kraken, they pray that the Blacktyde Chosen aren't the ones coming ashore. Not your average raider, the Blacktyde Chosen are kitted out in more sturdy armor, large round shields, and armed with master crafted axes. Their extensive training means they  ...More...

Price: £26.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF414 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Frozen Shore Bear Riders Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Frozen Shore Bear Riders Expansion

The people of the frozen north, beyond the Wall, have customs and traditions that those in the bulk of Westeros would find strange at the best of times. The idea that someone would strap a saddle to a giant bear and ride it into battle seems suicidal to many, but that's exactly what the Frozen Shore  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF910 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Heroes #2 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Greyjoy Heroes #2 Expansion

A Kraken's many tentacles can seemingly act independently from one-another, but always for the greater good of the creature. So, too, do the various individuals within House Greyjoy. Though they sometimes are at odds with one-another, each one feels what they're doing is best overall for the House.


Price: £27.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF814 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Highgarden Pikemen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Highgarden Pikemen Expansion

After the death of Robert Baratheon, House Baratheon became a House divided. Robert's brothers, Stannis and Renly, both decided that they should be the next one to sit on the Iron Throne. As such, different groups have thrown in their loyalty with one or the other. House Tyrell, one of House Baratheon's  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF112 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mormont Bruisers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mormont Bruisers Expansion

House Mormont's sigil is a great bear. Strong, tough, and decidedly deadly, the House's sigil fits well with the troops that they field in war. For example, thought the unit known as the Bruisers are not highly armed or armored, no foe wants to see them on the other side of a battlefield. Their tenacity  ...More...

Price: £26.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF313 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Shadow Tower Spearmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Shadow Tower Spearmen Expansion

CMNSIF313: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Shadow Tower Spearmen Expansion is Out of Stock

Everyone in Westeros knows of The Wall and the stalwart Night's Watch that mans it. Slightly less well-known is what are on the flanks of the towering edifice. To the West, there's the Shadow Tower. There, the brothers in black specialize in wielding spears, making them masters at defending against  ...More...

Price: £26.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF417 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Varamyr Sixskins Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Varamyr Sixskins Expansion

CMNSIF417: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Varamyr Sixskins Expansion is Out of Stock

Among the most powerful Skinchangers beyond the Wall, Varamyr Sixskins commands a huge snow bear, three wolves, a shadowcat, and an eagle simultaneously. In battle he rides astride his great snowbear, commanding his various beasts in coordinated attacks. Nothing escapes his eagle's gaze, nor his  ...More...

Price: £34.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF907 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Drowned Men Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Drowned Men Expansion

CMNSIF907: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Drowned Men Expansion is Out of Stock

Armored with only their faith, and armed only with deadwood cudgels and other detritus from a storm-wracked shore; the Drowned Men make surprisingly effective support for followers of the Kraken banner. Their presence in battle signifies the Drowned God's blessing, bolstering men to fight past their  ...More...

Price: £28.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF705 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dune Vipers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dune Vipers Expansion

CMNSIF705: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dune Vipers Expansion is Out of Stock

In the vast deserts of Dorne, being alone is a recipe for death. It's only via strength in numbers that people can survive. House Martell drills this into their Dune Vipers units, training them in ganging up against enemies. The Dune Vipers Unit Box gives House Martell players in the A Song of Ice  ...More...

Price: £25.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF709 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Heroes Pack 1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Heroes Pack 1 Expansion

CMNSIF709: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Heroes Pack 1 Expansion is Out of Stock

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest  ...More...

Price: £25.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF007 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Starter Set

House Martell rules the desert, plains, and badlands of southern Westeros under the Sunspear banner. Their troop are garbed in desert robes under light armor, and rank among the fastest forces in the War of the Five Kings. House Martell's doctrine of battle is to strike fast, strike hard, and evade  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £71.99
       (£70.19 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF702 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sand Skirmishers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sand Skirmishers Expansion

House Martell's Sand Skirmishers turn their doctrine of high mobility into a deadly dance of blade and bow. Their light armor allows them superior speed, rivaling that of the fastest enemy units, and their training allows for deadly hit-and-fade attacks, all under a rain of incoming arrows. If locked  ...More...

Price: £24.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF706 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Starfall Outriders Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Starfall Outriders Expansion

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game is a competitive miniatures game for two or more players. Each player controls one of the Great Houses of Westeros, commanding battlefield units, recruiting legendary Heroes, and manipulating the political stage, in the attempt to claim the greatest  ...More...

Price: £25.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF703 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sunspear Dervishes Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sunspear Dervishes Expansion

Sunspear Dervishes raise House Martell's doctrine of high mobility to a fine art. Their training allows them to rapidly engage, strike hard, and just as rapidly disengage to either prep for another run or choose a more opportune target. Enemies so besieged are often so rattled by the spinning, whirling  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF704 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sunspear Royal Guard Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Sunspear Royal Guard Expansion

House Martell's famous Sunspear Royal Guards are few in number but count among the best-trained units across all of Westeros. Their adaptive style lends itself well to both offensive and defensive initiatives, and while their armor is heavier than most Martell units, their physical conditioning allows  ...More...

Price: £21.52
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF212 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannisport City Watch Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannisport City Watch Expansion

The Lannisport Enforcers Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Lannister a new, stalwart unit for their formations. Armed with deadly spears and suited in sturdy armor, they may not be the best choice for a vanguard but having them hold a flank is well within  ...More...

Price: £26.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF615 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #3 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #3 Expansion

CMNSIF615: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #3 Expansion is Out of Stock

In far-off Essos, Queen Daenerys Targaryen rules over a court rife with intrigue. But while her subjects may involve themselves in plot after plot against each other (and indeed against the Queen herself), they stand united against their enemies in the field. With advisors and councilors such as  ...More...

Price: £26.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF117 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Crannogman Bog Devils Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Crannogman Bog Devils Expansion

CMNSIF117: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Crannogman Bog Devils Expansion is on Sale

The Crannogmen Bog Devils Unit Box gives House Stark players a highly maneuverable unit for their armies. They are able to attack and swiftly retreat to avoid serious repercussions. The Crannogmen Bog Devils give House Stark players access to the new poison mechanic in the game. The miniatures are  ...More...

Price: £17.00
       (RRP is £34.99)

CMNSIF611 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brazen Beasts Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brazen Beasts Expansion

The Brazen Beasts are a lightly armored but mobile attack force for Targaryens. They are able to charge towards and cut down enemy aggressors that are targeting friendly units across the battlefield. The box also contains the Brazen Beast captain attachment, which gives House Targaryen players more  ...More...

Price: £17.99
       (RRP is £34.99)

CMNSIF413 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Frozen Shore Hunters Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Frozen Shore Hunters Expansion

The Frozen Shore Hunters Unit Box allows Free Folk players to exploit their opponents weak positioning on the battlefield. Their Harpoon weapon allows them to do both melee and ranged attacks. The miniatures are highly detailed and come pre-assembled so they can be played with and painted straight  ...More...

Price: £22.99
       (RRP is £34.99)

CMNSIF519 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lysene Sellswords Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lysene Sellswords Expansion

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game - Lysene Sellswords adds new characters to this game, with the Lysene Sellswords giving other factions access to the Pillage mechanism that was previously available only to Greyjoy players. When attacking, they get stronger based on the number of pillage  ...More...

Price: £22.99
       (RRP is £34.99)

CMNSIF707 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Starfall Knights Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Starfall Knights Expansion

CMNSIF707: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Starfall Knights Expansion is Out of Stock

House Dayne hails from the citadel of Starfall. They are the strongest vassal house of House Martell. The Starfall Knights are their heavy cavalry. Being in a desert, they're not laden down with armor, but, they still get the job done. The Starfall Knights unit box for the A Song of Ice and Fire:  ...More...

Price: £23.99
       (RRP is £34.99)

CMNSIF815 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes 3 published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes 3

House Baratheon's claim to the Iron Throne is made all the stronger by King Stannis Baratheon being the only king to face the growing threat beyond the Wall. In the field, King Stannis is a juggernaut, rallying his forces to stand against ever-growing odds. Of his loyal retainers Justin Massey, Dale  ...More...

Price: £29.99
       (RRP is £42.49)

CMNSIF820 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes 4 published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Heroes 4

Whether commanding units of their own or standing united around King Renly Baratheon in support of his claim, the heroes of the Rainbow Guard comprises of some of the most skilled warriors to take to the field in the War of the Five Kings. They count among their number Ser Loras Tyrell, Ser Robar  ...More...

Price: £29.99
       (RRP is £42.49)

CMNSIFPR21 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Deluxe Activation Banner Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Deluxe Activation Banner Expansion

During battle, communication between a commander and their troops is extremely important. Many great battles have been won and lost because one side was able to more-effectively utilize its resources because of superior communication. Banners have been used for centuries as a communication technique.  ...More...

Price: £11.01
       (RRP is £14.99)

CMNSIF506 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Heroes Box 1 expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Heroes Box 1 expansion

The cruelty and sadism exhibited by House Bolton is not only reserved for their enemies. The leaders of their troops can be just as harsh to their own subordinates as they are to captured soldiers. Steelshanks Walton, Skinner, and Sour Alyn all have their own special forms of cruelty they inflict  ...More...

Price: £36.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF005 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Starter Set

CMNSIF005: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Starter Set is Out of Stock

House Bolton rules from Dreadfort, their ancient edifice in the north. Descendants of the First Men, they are known for their sigil of a flayed man, a practice that they often partake in. Aggressive to the core, they fought in a rebellion against House Stark many years ago. They have been likened  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £91.99
       (£89.69 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF523 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dreadfort Archers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dreadfort Archers Expansion

While some soldiers in House Bolton would prefer to get up close and personal with their enemies, able to deal out their devestating wounds where they can see the carnage, an army without ranged support is a sitting duck. Dreadfort Archers aim to inflict maximum terror and damage, as they loose their  ...More...

Price: £34.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF522 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dreadfort Spearmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Dreadfort Spearmen Expansion

House Bolton's main troops. their Spearmen, are all indoctrinated in the House's combat ethic of causing fear and panic among enemy ranks at every opportunity. Though not heavily armed or armored, they are still a fearsome unit on the battlefield. Their helmets and shields have spikes welded to them  ...More...

Price: £27.94
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF701 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Spearmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Martell Spearmen Expansion

In the spectrum of armor versus mobility, House Martell has gone to one extreme. Though lightly armored for line-of-battle troops, House Martell's Spearmen are fleet-of-foot and trained in mutual support tactics. Their signature spears stop enemy charges cold, and their superior numbers allow them  ...More...

Price: £22.99
       (RRP is £34.99)

CMNSIF217 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Gold Cloaks Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Gold Cloaks Expansion

The populous city of King's Landing is generally considered a safe place to live because the gold cloaks, named for their peculiar clothing, regularly patrol its streets. Because of this, they can be seen almost anywhere in the city maintaining order and making sure that the law is followed according  ...More...

Price: £24.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF708 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Darkstar's Retinue Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Darkstar's Retinue Expansion

Darkstar's Retinue gives House Martell players a hard-hitting unit for their army, a highly maneuverable unit that outflanks their foes, cutting them down swiftly before charging forward again onto the next foe. Darkstar's Retinue are best employed on flanks and far from other units. There they dash  ...More...

Price: £25.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF515 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes Box 3 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes Box 3 Expansion

CMNSIF515: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes Box 3 Expansion is on Sale

A Song of Ice & Fire - Neutral Heroes 3 brings a total of seven iconic miniatures to the popular world of the epic tabletop game. Included are the iconic characters Shae, The Widower, Jokin, Arya Stark, Sandor Clegane, Rorge and Biter as well as eight reinforcement cards, a civilian unit card, and  ...More...

Price: £19.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF817 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Halberdiers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Halberdiers Expansion

For the Baratheons, the Halberdiers incorporate the feeling of a walking fortress. The traditional weakness against cavalry shared by most infantry is mitigated, and a cavalry or flanking force that hesitates in their charge against the Baratheon lines opens themselves up to weaknesses that a good  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF118 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Umber Ravagers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: House Umber Ravagers Expansion

It's hard for anyone to imagine one of House Umber's famous berserkers fighting on horseback; However, a few of them have been trained in the equestrian arts until they become raiders, troops as fast and deadly as any other cavalry unit in Westeros. Now, what differentiates them from the traditional  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF418 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Giant Spear Throwers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Giant Spear Throwers Expansion

As if giants in the line-of-battle weren't bad enough, the enemies of the Free Folk must also face giants standing in thr back and hurling spears the size of tree trunks. Their weapons are crude by southern standards, but one doesn't need much finesse when hurling wooden shafts as thick as a large  ...More...

Price: £34.99
       (RRP is £41.99)

CMNSIF911 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stony Shore Pillagers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stony Shore Pillagers Expansion

Along the Stony Coast, the Kraken's banner is an ominous omen wherever it is seen, mostly due to the plunderers who prowl the villages and settlements throughout the land. These men move quickly, plundering anything that is not firmly fixed to the ground and killing or crushing anyone who gets in  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF419 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Harma's Vanguard Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Harma's Vanguard Expansion

North of the wall horses are a somewhat rare sighting, which makes Harma Dogshead's Vanguard all the more inspiring for the Free Folk. While lightly armored and crudely armed compared to southern troops, these cavalry units serve as more than outriders, being both scouts and spearheads to the Free  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF119 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Winterfell Guards Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Winterfell Guards Expansion

Enhance your House Stark forces with the Winterfell Guards, a mix of veterans and young warriors ready for battle. Ideal for flanking maneuvers and supporting the line, but not for bearing the brunt of enemy assaults. The box includes pre-assembled, intricately detailed miniatures, ready for gameplay  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF818 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Crownland Scouts Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Crownland Scouts Expansion

Knowledge is power, and having knowledge of enemy movements and formations can win a battle before it's even begun. That's why having reliable scouts is so important. For House Baratheon, they use the Crownland Scouts cavalry unit to perform this task. The Crownland Scouts unit box for the A Song  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF521 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stonecrows Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stonecrows Expansion

Except for their unexpected loyalty, Tyrion Lannister's Stone Crows would remain a band of robbers like any other mountain clan. In fact, although his commitment is based more on Tyrion's money than on his person, they have proven to keep his word even when betrayal could have been a more lucrative  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1501 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Cutthroats Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Bolton Cutthroats Expansion

While simply armored and lightly armed, Bolton Cutthroats enjoy a reputation for brutality and cold efficiency that allows them to take on enemies with far more expensive armaments. Their spiked maces can easily dispatch enemies, but are more effective for their disabling strikes. Downed foes are  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1505 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes 1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes 1 Expansion

One thing remains true for the unaligned forces in the War of the Five Kings, whether they're fighting for coin, self-interest, or simple survival, they always remain true to themselves. They are a wild card that can be added to any army in the game. Some Heroes, like Roose Bolton and Ramsay Snow,  ...More...

Price: £33.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF1511 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Mercenaries Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Mercenaries Expansion

While one might question Stormcrow loyalty to their leaders, their employers, and even themselves, one can always count on their absolute devotion to coin. Once properly motivated, Stormcrow Mercenaries are capable medium infantry, adept at holding a flank or performing flanking maneuvers themselves.  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1104 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Umber Greataxes Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Umber Greataxes Expansion

CMNSIF1104: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Umber Greataxes Expansion is on Pre-Order
Expected Q3 2024 (liable to change without notice), see our Terms for Pre-Orders.
Orders containing pre-order items are held until all items are available, there is a postage option for most UK Customers to have an order split into 2 deliveries.

These infantrymen for Stark forces combine mobility, defence and fearsome weaponry to be one of the most versatile and deadly units in the game.


Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1507 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Hedge Knights Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Hedge Knights Expansion

There are many nobles in Westeros that don't directly belong to any of the major or even minor Houses. They may have a title and some small wealth at their disposal, but they are basically landless, free to roam as they please. Setting them apart from your average vagabond is their ability to afford  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF1804 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Champions Of The Stag Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Champions Of The Stag Expansion

In-keeping with the Baratheon doctrine of heavy arms and heavier armor, Champions of the Stag are knights in full plate mail atop massive destriers in plate barding. These juggernauts have all the mobility of cavalry and the staying power of front-line units. Intelligent commanders are best served  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF912 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Iron Victory Crew Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Iron Victory Crew Expansion

The sight of Kraken sails coming over the horizon fills any settlement with dread, but none moreso than those of the Iron Victory, Victarion's personal raiding ship. The Iron Victory's Crew are handpicked men, vicious by nature, skilled in warfare, and loyal to a fault. They are few in number but  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1512 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Archers Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Archers Expansion

A Stormcrow is a Stormcrow, whether wielding blade, bow, or both. Money remains the prime motivator in the Stormcrow mind, and extra coin can prod added effort from these mercenaries. Stormcrow Archers are adept in long-range combat, with recurved longbows and arrows made for distant flight. They're  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1813 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Riders Of Highgarden Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Riders Of Highgarden Expansion

The Riders of the Highgarden box set for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives House Baratheon players in support of Renly Baratheon a new cavalry unit to field on the tabletop. Though moderately armored, the Riders are well trained in the use of their cavalry lances. During  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF1811 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Rose Knights Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Rose Knights Expansion

As dedicated front-line units, the Rose Knights in service to King Renly come heavily armed and armored in the finest plate and brightest green that Renly's extensive purse allows. Hard training and fierce loyalty to their king keep these troops standing and fighting, even in the face of dire wounds.  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1908 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Silenced Men Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Silenced Men Expansion

Those under the Kraken banner have long learned that raiding and terror are close companions. Thus the crew of House Greyjoy's warship Silence is composed entirely of mutes. War is not a quiet business, but the Silenced Men add an unnatural stillness to the battlefield. Even in death, they make no  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1309 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes 1 Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes 1 Expansion

The tough and dangerous men of the Night's Watch produce some of the most hard-bitten heroes the Seven Kingdoms have seen. From veterans of the Wall that stand in line-of-battle like Donal Noye and Othell Yarwyck to skilled combatants commanding a larger force like Qhorin Halfhand and Alliser Thorne,  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF1305 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ranger Hunters Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Ranger Hunters Expansion

In the Wilds beyond the Wall, Ranger Hunters reign supreme as deadly ambushers. While true stealth and ambushes are difficult to come by in an open battle, Hunters can strike suddenly, exploiting any weakness, often destroying entire units to a man. Hunters often work best in conjunction with their  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

CMNSIF1412 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: War Mammoths Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: War Mammoths Expansion

On the battlefield the War Mammoth is a fearsome sight bearing down on an enemy position. Its incredible strength and thick hide make it difficult to neutralize. Giants have been known to ride Mammoths into battle, though not enough Mammoths still exist in the world to form a true cavalry corps.  ...More...

Price: £34.99
       (RRP is £42.49)

CMNSIF014 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Sworn Knight published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Sworn Knight

CMNSIF014: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Sworn Knight is Out of Stock

While the Brotherhood Without Banners might not be beholden to any House, that doesn't mean they're simply a rag-tag band. The Brotherhood Sworn Knights are knights of renown that have taken up a higher calling: that of protecting the common folk from the scourge of war. The Brotherhood Sworn Knights  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF015 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Without Banners Heroes 1 published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Without Banners Heroes 1

CMNSIF015: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Without Banners Heroes 1 is Out of Stock

With all of Westeros ablaze with warfare, those that inhabit it are having a rough time. Armies constantly marching through care little for those in their way. As such, commoners often get trampled underfoot, metaphorically and sometimes literally. The Brotherhood Without Banners is here to make  ...More...

Price: £32.99
       (RRP is £39.99)

CMNSIF010 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Without Banners Starter Set published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Without Banners Starter Set

CMNSIF010: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Brotherhood Without Banners Starter Set is Out of Stock

With various kings, dukes, and others vying for the Iron Throne, the common folk are often forgotten. Life during wartime is cruel. Whenever an army travels through, they could plunder and kill anyone in their way. The Brotherhood Without Banners was created by those who want to make sure the common  ...More...

No. of Players: 2

Duration: 45 to 60 minutes

Min. Age: 14

Price: £89.99
       (£87.74 after automatic discount!, RRP is £109.99)

CMNSIF711 Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Skyreach Bowmen Expansion published by CoolMiniOrNot

Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Skyreach Bowmen Expansion

CMNSIF711: Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Skyreach Bowmen Expansion is Out of Stock

Archers are dangerous wherever they might be found. But in the confines of Prince's Pass, the Skyreach Bowmen take the art to new levels. They are deadly accurate with their arrows, winnowing away enemy forces before slipping back into cover. The Skyreach Bowmen unit box for the A Song of Ice and  ...More...

Price: £31.99
       (RRP is £37.99)

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