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Labyrinth: The War On Terror Board Game Fifth Printing

GMT101224 Labyrinth: The War On Terror Board Game Fifth Printing published by GMT Games

Labyrinth takes 1 or 2 players inside the Islamist jihad and the global war on terror. With broad scope, ease of play, and a never-ending variety of event combinations similar to GMT's highly popular Twilight Struggle, Labyrinth portrays not only the US efforts to counter extremists' use of terrorist tactics but the wider ideological struggle - guerrilla warfare, regime change, democratization, and more. Labyrinth combines an emphasis on card-driven game play with multifaceted simulation.

In the 2-player game, one player takes the role of jihadists seeking to exploit world events and Islamic donations to spread fundamentalism. The other as the United States must neutralize terrorist cells while encouraging Muslim reform to cut off extremism at its roots. Labyrinth features asymmetrical game play and a maze of political, religious, military, and economic events. In the parallel wars of bombs and ideas, international coordination is key - but terrorist opportunities to disrupt Western unity are many. The Towers have fallen, but the global struggle has just begun. Let's roll! Note on 5th Printing: This printing is identical to the 4th Printing, except that any known errata has been corrected.

No. of Players: 1 to 2

Duration: 180 minutes

Min. Age: 12

Price: £65.99
       (£64.34 after automatic discount!, RRP is £79.99)

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