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Levy And Campaign Series: Plantagenet: Cousins' War For England 1459-1485

GMT2310 Levy And Campaign Series: Plantagenet: Cousins' War For England 1459-1485 published by GMT Games

England, 1459. The son of the great Henry V has not lived to fill his father's shoes. England has lost the Hundred Years War, and mighty lords amass lands and wealth rivaling the King's own. Henry IV left the door open for any such powerful lord with good pedigree to reach for the throne, and the best candidate is Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York.

Mounting tension over the Crown leads to armed clashes, under the excuse of freeing the king from his evil counsellors, and finally ignites the Wars of the Roses that William Shakespeare would immortalize in his plays: A Yorkist rebellion that succeeds in placing Edward IV on the throne and exiling the Lancastrians to Scotland and France. A civil war pitting Warwick the Kingmaker and King Edward's brother Clarence against the King and his other brother Richard Gloucester. The reinstatement for a few months of Henry VI and the invasion from France by his son and wife leading to a final contest between Richard III and Henry Tudor (later known as Henry VII) and the Battle of Bosworth that ends the Plantagenet dynasty. Treason, bravery, political maneuver, and a cast of memorable characters mark one of the most intense and divided periods of English history.


  • One 17x22 inch Mounted Map
  • 152 Wooden pieces
  • 179 Playing Cards
  • Two full-color Countersheets
  • 13 cardboard Lord and Battle mats
  • One Lords sticker sheet
  • Four Player Aid sheets
  • Two Screens
  • Rules Booklet
  • Background Booklet
  • Six 6-sided dice
  • No. of Players: 2

    Price: £74.99
           (£73.12 after automatic discount!, RRP is £97.49)

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