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Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Halberdiers Expansion
If the Lannisters are known for one thing, it's their deep pockets. Their wealth lets them afford only the best when it comes to arming and armoring up their troops. Halberds tend to be a relatively cheap weapon to produce, but those made for Lannister troops are still of the highest quality, almost ...More...
Price: £31.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 1 Expansion
Wars are fought with money, and in the War of the Five Kings, none of the Great Houses are more financially equipped than the Lannisters. They outfit their troops in the best armor and arm them with the finest steel. But troops still need leaders.
Price: £32.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Heroes 2 Expansion
In all of Westeros, there are many a swordsman or woman who lay claim to be the best in all the land, but unless they were one of the seven of the King's Guard, that boast would most assuredly be simply hot air. The King's Guard include the seven best soldiers in the kingdom. With the duty of protecting ...More...
Price: £27.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Poor Fellows Expansion
The Poor Fellows do not wear fancy armor. Their weapons are whatever was close by when they headed into combat. But enemy Commanders that discount their prowess in battle will soon find themselves overrun by fanatics.
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Warrior's Sons Expansion
In the land of Westeros, a title is a potential gateway to a life of leisure. Having land and dominion over those on it can easily lead to never having to work a single day. The Warrior's Sons, however, have eschewed all lands and titles, devoting their lives to the Seven. Instead of having servants ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Mountain's Men Expansion
The Mountain's Men are drawn from the dregs of society. These men have no morals and it shows in how they fight on the battlefield. They give no quarter. They take no prisoners. Those that try and run must be fast, lest they get cut down from behind. Their ruthlessness is well known by the enemy, ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Heroes Box 2 Expansion
One thing remains true for the unaligned forces in the War of the Five Kings, whether they're fighting for coin, self-interest, or simple survival, they always remain true to themselves. They are a wild card that can be added to any army in the game. Some Heroes, like Roose Bolton and Ramsay Snow, ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Builder Crossbowmen Expansion
The Builders are the designers, engineers, and craftsmen that keep the Night's Watch stocked with arms and armor, as well as create and maintain the siege weapons along The Wall. But everyone in the Night's Watch must be ready to take up arms when a threat to Westeros appears, including the Builders.
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Conscripts Expansion
When one makes their way into the Night's Watch, they aren't simply made a Sworn Brother immediately. While the organization has traditionally lax rules for recruitment, there is still a period where those that sign up are simply conscripts, being used where necessary to keep those south of The Wall ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Heroes Box 1 Expansion (20129 Edition)
From Castle Black, the Night's Watch guards the formidable Wall, which is used to protect all of Westeros from the horrors that lurk in the cold, dark, and foreboding northlands. Taken from the dregs and leftovers of society, there are those that rise through the ranks and achieve places of power ...More...
Price: £24.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Ranger Trackers Expansion
The Ranger Trackers are certainly not the hardest-hitting or most heavily-armored cavalry unit in Westeros, but they are some of the fastest and most agile. These swift hunters are able to get almost anywhere they need to be on the battlefield. Utilized as scouts when not in battle, they also have ...More...
Price: £27.49 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Stone Thrower Crew Expansion
In the northernmost reaches of civilized land, the Night's Watch man The Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the wild things roaming beyond the Wall.
Price: £17.99 (RRP is £34.99)
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Compile Card Game: Aux 1 Expansion
Compile Card Game: Main 1 Edition
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread Board Game
Heat Board Game: Pedal To The Metal Tunnel Vision Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: The Drowned City Campaign Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: The Drowned City Investigator Expansion
Marvel Champions LCG: Agents Of SHIELD Expansion
Compile Card Game: Playmat
Compile Card Game: Main 2 Edition
Mistborn: The Deck Building Game
Dune Imperium Board Game: Bloodlines Expansion
Compile Card Game: Aux 2 Expansion