Games | Board Games | Song Of Fire And Ice
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Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Heroes #1 Expansion
While the great Houses of Westeros fight with one another over who will sit on the Iron Throne, a foreign faction steadily grows in power across the ocean. Daenerys Targaryen is uniting the Dothraki forces along with Khal Drogo. These horselords will soon be making the trek across the Narrow Sea ...More...
Price: £24.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: R'hllor Faithful Expansion
The R'hllor Faithful bring their conviction in their god to the battlefield in service of Stannis Baratheon. These holy warriors anoint their blades in sacred oils and set them alight, causing vicious wounds with each slash. Whenever their faith is tested, they only become more deadly to the enemy. ...More...
Price: £25.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Sentinels Expansion
For most armies, the armor worn by the Baratheon Sentinels would count them as heavy infantry. But for House Baratheon, they only are classified as medium infantry. Still, their resilient plate mail can turn away most attacks, while their warhammers make quick work of enemies out on the field.
Price: £28.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Neutral Stormcrow Dervishes Expansion
Add a new melee unit to the ranks of any army in Westeros! Among the Dervishes are some of the Stormcrows' most veteran skirmishers, masters of hit-and-fade tactics.
Price: £27.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Targaryen Dothraki Veterans
A Dothraki is effectively born in the saddle. From the earliest age, they learn to ride, becoming the greatest horsemen in the land. After many battles, these horsemen have honed their skills to perfection. Their mastery of swordsmanship, archery, and riding is surpassed by none. In combat, they ...More...
Price: £27.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Unsullied Pikemen Expansion
Adding fearsome weapons to the unshakable Unsullied makes for a truly unbreakable center to any formation. Despite their armor rating a "light" classification in the western sense, and Unsullied spear wall, advancing in lockstep according to doctrines laid down in the Old Empire of Ghis, can move ...More...
Price: £18.99 (RRP is £37.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Baratheon Attachments Expansion
With the death of Robert Baratheon, many have put in claims to be the next rightful person to sit on the Iron Throne. For House Baratheon, two people have made that claim. Both of Robert's brothers, Stannis and Renly, have each decided it is their turn to rule. This has torn House Baratheon in two ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Free Folk Attachments Expansion
There are an unknown number of tribes that live north of the Wall. These tough and hardy people will often form up and head south, looking for more hospitable land to call their own. Unfortunately, there's usually already people occupying that land. So, the Free Folk must be willing to fight for ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Lannister Attachments Expansion
House Lannister looks to maintain control of the Iron Throne and is willing to spend any cost in order to make it happen. Their coffers are open, and they are hiring the best soldiers in Westeros to lead their units. These combat veterans bring expertise, training, and cunning not found in the average ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Night's Watch Attachments Expansion
The Night's Watch will gladly take in anyone and everyone in order to bolster their ranks. They are evil-vigilant protectors of the Wall, keeping Westeros safe from the terrors that lie farther north. Battles against these horrors quickly weed out anyone who is unfit for the Black. All that remains ...More...
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Stark Attachments Expansion
House Stark is known for extolling integrity, justice, and loyalty. Those that flock to the Direwolf's Banner feel that what they are fighting for is right. This feeling is instilled in the officers that are in charge of the units within the Stark army. House Stark might not have the deepest coffers, ...More...
Price: £28.99 (RRP is £39.99)
Song Of Ice And Fire Board Game: Freedmen Expansion
As Daenerys Targaryen sweeps across Essos with her Dothraki army, she has been freeing thousands of slaves as she defeats those that stand against her. It was not originally her intention to have them join her army, but many have willingly taken up arms and are eager to help their liberators conquer ...More...
Price: £26.99 (RRP is £39.99)
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Compile Card Game: Aux 1 Expansion
Compile Card Game: Main 1 Edition
Arydia: The Paths We Dare Tread Board Game
Heat Board Game: Pedal To The Metal Tunnel Vision Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: The Drowned City Campaign Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: The Drowned City Investigator Expansion
Marvel Champions LCG: Agents Of SHIELD Expansion
Compile Card Game: Playmat
Compile Card Game: Main 2 Edition
Mistborn: The Deck Building Game
Dune Imperium Board Game: Bloodlines Expansion
Compile Card Game: Aux 2 Expansion